We are founded upon the authority of the Word of God

The King James Version of the Bible is the center of our school's curriculum

We are founded upon the authority of the Word of God

The King James Version of the Bible is the center of our school's curriculum


The philosophy of Generation Christian Military Academy is taken from Proverbs 1:7: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." Generation Christian Military Academy believes that for a student to be truly educated. He must not only know God's purpose for his own life, but also God's plan for the ages.

Generation Christian Military Academy is founded upon the authority of the Word of God and emphasizes the fundamentals of the Christian Faith. The Bible is the center of this school's curriculum and the King James Version is used exclusively. Generation Christian Military Academy is a ministry of Generation Baptist Church and holds to its faith and practice, according to God's Word, in all facets of its particular ministry.

Generation Christian Military School believes the highest goal in discipline is self-discipline. It further holds that this self-discipline has to be taught in precepts and in practice. It is the purpose of the school to train young people in the nurture (discipline) and admonition (instruction) of the Lord; thus it is imperative that Christian teaching be presented in a Christian environment. Our curriculum is focused upon the Lord Jesus Christ because Colossians 2:3 states that in Christ "are hid all the

treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Generation Christian Military Academy, a ministry of Generation Baptist Church, is dedicated to providing quality education in a Christian atmosphere.